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New Database Released
Database version 20240329 has been released for the Dataman S6. The updated database includes new support for Adesto, BoyaMicro, ESMT, Fudan Micro., Fujitsu, Giantec Semi., GigaDevice, ISSI, ITE, Microchip, MXIC,...
Read MoreNew Programming Adapters Launched
Dataman has launched over 60 new universal and specialised programming adapters adding support for a wide range of new devices.
Read MoreNew Software Released
Control software 3.92 has been released for the Dataman 48Pro2C, 48Pro2, 48Pro2AP, 448Pro2, 448Pro2AP, 848Pro2, MEMPro, 40Pro and 448Pro2AP-AU. The updated software includes support for more than 280 new devices,...
Read MoreNew Software Released
Control software 3.91 has been released for the Dataman 48Pro2C, 48Pro2, 48Pro2AP, 448Pro2, 448Pro2AP, 848Pro2, MEMPro, 40Pro and 448Pro2AP-AU. The updated software includes support for more than 275 new devices,...
Read MoreNew Programming Adapters Launched
Dataman has launched over 50 new specialised and BGA/LGA programming adapters adding support for a wide range of new devices.
Read MoreNew Database Released
Database version 20230919 has been released for the Dataman S6. The updated database includes new support for cFeon, Dallas, EON, ESMT, Giantec Semi., GigaDevice, ISSI, Microchip, MXIC, Winbond, XMC and...
Read MoreNew Programming Adapters Launched
Dataman has launched over 140 new universal, specialised and BGA/LGA programming adapters adding support for a wide range of new devices.
Read MoreNew Database Released
Database version 20230419 has been released for the Dataman S6. The updated database includes new support for Giantec Semic., Microchip, MXIC, Puya Semi., Spansion, Texas Instruments and Winbond.
Read MoreNew Database Released
Database version 20230113 has been released for the Dataman S6. The updated database includes new support for Adesto, MXIC, BoyaMicro, EON, Etron, Fudan Micro., Fujitsu, Giantec Semic., GigaDevice, ISSI, Microchip,...
Read MoreNew Database Released
Database version 20220916 has been released for the Dataman S6. The updated database includes new support for ACE, Fudan Micro., GigaDevice, ISSI, Micron, MXIC, TsingHuaic and Winbond.
Read MoreNew Programming Adapters Launched
Dataman has launched over 30 new universal, specialised and BGA/LGA programming adapters adding support for a wide range of new devices.
Read MoreNew Database Released
Database version 20220727 has been released for the Dataman S6. The updated database includes new support for AMIC, Giantec Semi., GigaDevice, Microchip(SST), Micron, MXIC, Puya Semiconductor, Winbond, XTX and Zbit Semiconductor.
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